Progressive Christian Leaders

Why Did We Write an Ebook? (And Who Helped Us!)


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Have you ever read an article meant to help you with your ministry only to find that barely any of it applied to your context?


We’ve been there too.


In fact, most progressive leaders trying to improve their digital ministry have felt this from time to time.


They might not have the congregation for stage lights and multi-camera sermon recordings, let alone a desire for them. They may not have the need for a full-time social media person, let alone the money for one.Their theology doesn’t jive with more literalistic interpretations of Scripture which so many great church communicators subscribe to. And their needs for discussion on social and racial justice work, accessibility, open and affirming theology, and so much more are unmet in current Digital Ministry teachings..  


As leaders in the mainline church space, we at Digivangelism felt this lack of leadership in the church communications space and are filling that gap as best we can with our ministry.


While we’ve loved growing and learning and sharing and wrestling with many digital ministry concepts over the past eight months or so, we knew it was time to boil some of these concepts down to something more digestible. 


It was either that or send you on a multi-hour YouTube rabbit hole… and nobody has time for that… even if we all find ourselves there from time to time.


So we wrote a book.


An electronic book.


I guess that makes it an e-book?


In this book we share our best practices for active engagement in the digital world with a traditionally marginalized, forgotten, and ignored community.


We seek to equip, empower and encourage the voices of progressive christian ministry leaders to share their stories digitally. 


Allowing to reach even MORE people with the love of Jesus online.


(PS: our mission is quite literally to help church leaders do this – cool, right?!)


The best part is?


We didn’t write this thing alone!


20+ different progressive ministries are featured in this ebook modeling ways to do everything from digitally discussing doubt and faith to rethinking holidays in posts and sermons to caring for creation through our digital media to using memes to talk about politics.


It’s kind of wild actually.


Like, we still cannot get a grip on all of the amazing communities we were given permission to highlight.


We are grateful… and especially psyched for you to learn more about them too.


By sharing these real world examples of what is being done, our hope is that it encourages and inspires other communities of faith to do the same or similar.


Our prayer is that these stories foster a sense of community in the progressive Christian space. 


May through your reading you recognize that you are not alone.


And that there are ways forward.


There are options for you, Progressive Christian Leader.


There is a space for you in the digital ministry space too.


It might not always be as loud or as clear cut as our more conservative Christian siblings’ activity, but as long as we’re here we’ll be shining a light on the ways so many Progressive Christian Leaders are blazing a trail ahead online.


Our mission is to help church leaders like you craft and live out effective and faith-filled online strategies, so you don’t miss the biggest opportunity to spread the love of Jesus yet.


If spreading the love of Jesus sounds like something you want to improve on in our digital age, we hope you’ll check out our newest ebook, Be Church Online: How Progressive Christian Leaders Can Embrace Digital Ministry.


Be Church Online will be launching officially on Wednesday, April 7th 2021. If it’s after that date, you can probably find some links in the description below to download it today.


If it’s not quite that date yet when you’re catching this, we hope you’ll follow us on Instagram and Facebook to follow along as we share more and more about the ebook and our findings.


As always, if this article was helpful for you, be sure to subscribe to our email list for more weekly digital ministry goodness, every Tuesday morning at 9 a.m. Eastern Time.