When Tiktok, Insta Reels, YouTube Shorts and Facebook live dominate the interwebs you might think text is dead.
Does anybody read any more? {We hope so, because we wrote an eBook!]
Blogging is alive and well. And there are plenty of reasons why your church should have a blog.
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Beat the Social Media Algorithm
With your own website and blog you are not at the mercy of the ever so mysterious social media algorithms to distribute your content.
Sure you need an audience to consume the blog, but you can start with your own email list to your congregation. Ask them to tell 2 friends, and so on and so on..
More Flexible Access
Some folks just don’t trust social media and want no part of it whatsoever.
But they want to be engaged with your faith community and be kept up to date with events, sermons bits and just general church news.
A church blog allows for this ease of access for those who prefer this text-based communication.
Back Links and References
Another great reason for a blog is that you can link out easily to other websites or reference materials, creating a healthy backlink infrastructure that will help out your SEO (Search Engine Optimization). Check out our 7 SEO Tips for Church Websites blog for some tips in this area.
Putting a bit of effort into finding relevant search terms for your blog post will go a long way in increasing your traffic and boost your search results.
If you’re only linking on YouTube, your links might get buried or forgotten. So having a text based article up front and center increases engagement.
Allows Different Voices
Our favorite part of a church blog is that it allows a variety of voices to be heard. Not just your social media communications folks, or not just your pastors. You can offer up guest spots to community organization leaders, your council members, ministry leaders, children’s program leaders; the list is virtually endless.
In fact, a blog or even a dedicated section on your website can be your virtual newsletter.
If you want to be more direct, there are email templates readily available that will help in nicely formatting a lovely email to subscribers to your list.
Drop us a note and let us know if this has inspired you to start a blog!