Website Redesign

Is your church or faith community website looking dated and lacking a little “something something”?


Has it become a confused conglomeration of congregation communication?


You know it can use a breath of fresh air, but you don’t know where to start?


This week we’ll go beyond the basics and offer our best practices for a website redesign; and help you decide what gets polished and what gets pruned.


While one of our recent blogs talked about 4 specific website areas that need your attention, today’s blog will take a deeper dive with a more critical eye to overall improvement.


Click here for the video version of this post!


What Gets Pruned?


Out with the old, in with the new! You’ve heard it a 1000 times and here’s how it applies to your church website. 


Church History


In our view, a prime candidate for pruning is a church history section. 


It’s preferable to mention it briefly on an “About Us” page, instead of having an entire page dedicated to your history. While it may be interesting to your members, it may not be very compelling for a visitor to know how many times your church has merged or moved. 


Keep that info for internal congregation communication. 


Council Meeting Minutes


While there’s value in communicating church business to the public, posting the minutes of all your monthly meetings is probably not necessary. 


It’s certainly appropriate to highlight noteworthy council actions, but the minutiae of each meeting will just be taking up valuable real estate on your website. Another candidate for internal congregation communication. 


Annual Reports/Budget Reports


It’s okay to keep the most recent annual report on your site; this might be useful and informative for any potential members who would like to know what your faith community has been up to the prior year and how you have allocated your funds. 


Older annual and budget reports, spreadsheets, expenses, ledgers and details around the administrative functions of your church probably don’t need a place on your website.


Sermon Notes/Recordings/Podcasts




Well of course you want a prominent place for sermons, BUT it can and should simply be a link to your YouTube channel.


 Highlighting or promoting your most recent sermon series is perfectly fine, though prior recordings really don’t need to be taking up precious space on your hosting server. 


What Gets Polished?


Now onto the fun part! What parts should get your attention and possibly a makeover?


Mission Statement/Your “Why”


We encourage you to think long and hard about this one. 


For many potential visitors this will be one of the first places they look to find out about your community as they try to figure out if it’s a good fit for them. 


They will want to know why you exist as a faith community, how they would be welcomed and how they could get involved. Please be honest and transparent when declaring your beliefs, your theology and your vision for the future. 


Ministries/Service Opportunities


Put some thought and effort into this section as well. 


Instead of just listing the frequency of the ministry meetings or demographics of the group, relay some of the recent activities the ministry has engaged in; how have they served in the church, in the community or even globally?


 Be sure to point out if there are ministry crossover opportunities as this may be intriguing to potential people who would like to know your ministries are integrated and not functioning in silos, but part of a cohesive whole. 


Current Events/Bible Studies


Keep them current! ‘Nuf said! 




Be sure your staff page is current, including how to contact the staff. 


Include some unusual or fun facts about your staff that people might be interested to know (with the staff’s permission, of course!) 


And PLEASE add photos! 


Giving Link


Ensure your giving link is working, secure and prominently placed. On the home page is a must and it’s probably not a bad idea to have it on your ministry pages as well. 


Social Platform Links


Keep your social platform links up to date and also easily linkable from your home page. In the header and footer of your site would be a great placeholder. Add links to new social platforms, even if you’re just experimenting and be sure to remove obsolete links as well. 


Content IS king!


Up to date website design is important, but we would argue that content is even more important. For your site to be well rounded and well visited will take some effort,  but its work that is well worth it to have a website that is welcoming, informative and helpful. 

Did You Know?


We offer a Digital Communication Review (DCR)  where we’ll do an audit of ALL of your social media platforms and website content.  You’ll get a comprehensive report  that offers actionable advice on ways to improve and lifts up what you’re doing well. Just hit the “Let’s Go” button and get in touch!

If you are not already part of our DigiCommunity and getting our weekly emails of digital ministry goodness to stay on top of tips and trends, please leave us your email address and we’ll get you in the loop!