staying connected over the summer

Praise God we are turning the corner in the US and putting the COVID pandemic behind us. We pray, forever! 

With folks becoming more comfortable travelling and moving about, you may be inclined to drop or reduce your digital ministry presence.  

Not a good idea!! 

There’s no reason to stop being church online just because you can be church in person. 

Here are some ideas to keep the online connections going strong. 


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Keep the Bible Studies Going Online

Just because you can meet in person again, doesn’t mean you have to. 

Plus, consider the folks you may have connected with during the pandemic that are outside of your geographical area. 

Keep that connection going online with an online Bible study or book discussion. 

For the summer months, it certainly doesn’t have to be every week..maybe just once a month. 

Then in the fall, you can move into a more frequent meeting pattern. 

Your folks will appreciate the outreach and the continued connection. 

Vacation Bible School Follow Up

Did the kids make any crafts or do experiments during VBS? 

Declare a VBS Throwback day and have kids (via parents/caregivers) post photos of where their craft ended up in their home. 

Was it a place of honor on a high shelf or tacked on to the fridge?

This will be a fun way to follow up and check in with your VBS participants and hopefully spark some friendly summer connecting conversation.

Celebrate Re-Opening

Since the Covid vaccine is being rolled out folks are beginning to gather with friends and family again! YAY! 

That means family and friend gatherings will once again take place. 

Long overdue graduations, weddings, showers and birthday parties will once again take place. 

Consider that your faith community may not have seen extended family or friends for over a year. 

What a joy this will be when they get together! 

Encourage your folks to post and tag their photos and share their joys when these gatherings take place. 


Now that traveling is also opening up, encourage your community to share travel photos and exchange travel ideas. 

For those still a bit cautious to travel too far afield, perhaps you can start a day tripper online group, where your community can brainstorm and exchange ideas for close to home day trips or even short weekend trips. 

Come up with some fun hashtags for these groups and watch the connection unfold!

Sure the summer months may certainly see a decline in participation. And that’s ok! 

We encourage you to look further than summer and long range into fall, winter and the years ahead. 

Digital ministry IS ministry, and is here to stay!