How Can We Reframe Thanksgiving? | A Thanksgiving Challenge
What if…
Thanksgiving was not only about giving thanks for our blessings, our abundance, our joys and our freedoms, but also honestly acknowledging the indigenous people that played an integral role in this day?
In fact, what if we looked at the entire day through a new lens, and not just the lens of food and football?
But through a lens of self awareness, environmental awareness and social awareness; striving toward the care of creation and renewal of life.
This week, we’re taking a break from our usual digital ministry offering and reflecting on how we can reframe Thanksgiving with a new perspective.
Click here for the video version of this blog!
The National Day of Mourning
The National Day of Mourning is an annual peaceful protest held on Thanksgiving Day in Plymouth MA. Protesters acknowledge the historical and current suffering of Native American people. This is an important and solemn day for Native American people, marked by fasting, tributes to those who have raised awareness of indigenous people’s rights and calls to action.
For more peaceful activism in MA, visit Massachusetts Peace Action.
Practice self awareness and self care
For a different perspective, try out some new ideas:
- Go outside…take a walk (or a run in a Turkey Trot)
- Eat less
- Do a morning meditation
- Start a new breakfast tradition with friends or family
- Write poetry
- Plant bulbs that will bloom in the spring
- OR at least plan your spring garden
- Find a new constellation in the night sky – and reflect on how the Native Americans looked up and saw those same constellations.
- Here’s a challenge !
- But if you do..
- for every hour of football you watch, spend a matching hour over the Thanksgiving weekend learning about a social justice issue or policy that you want to know more about.
- For example:
- Climate change
- Make an effort to get FACTs, from multiple, reputable sources…
- Income inequality
- Critical race theory
- Make an effort to get facts, from multiple, reputable sources…
- It takes effort, but it will be worth it to be well informed when US elections roll around.
Above all, take time to enjoy the company of those with whom you gather; and rest!