If you’ve stumbled across this post, chances are you care about reaching people with the love of Jesus.
But how do we do that online?
That’s actually our mission here at Digi. To us, that love can be expressed in many ways – one way in particular is following the example of being Christ like and putting our faith into action.
While we are still in a time of pandemic and movement restriction, you may find the ‘action’ part of that directive particularly challenging.
So this week we’re offering practical ideas you can use to promote and encourage serving others.
Click here for the video version of this post!
Time-Focused Action
No, action in this virtual world does not mean just donating money.
While not all faith in action initiatives during a pandemic require giving money to a cause, they do require giving something of yourself. It could be your time, your talent, your energy or your prayers.
There are many activities that just require your time.
Some of us have a lot less time available these days – but not everyone!
If you find yourself with more time on your hands, consider how you could turn your time and faith into action this Lent for the greater good of your community.
For example, engaging on social media with an organization you support and want to lift up will help increase their reach and expand their audience.
This could be a faith based organization or otherwise:
- pastor or faith leader
- recovery/rehabilitation ministry
- pet rescue, organic farm
- women’s shelter
- homeless shelter
The list is ‘virtually’ endless.
These missions and ministries would welcome exposure and increased engagement that does not draw from their internal resources.
Action Steps:
- Like and comment their social media content
- Share a recent blog post with others on social media and through direct messaging
- Listen to their podcast or YouTube channel
- Check out their content on a platform that’s new to you
A little bit of personal engagement goes a long way on social media for digital ministries and nonprofits trying to get their word out.
A favorite ministry of ours is Dancing Pastor Ministries. A nonprofit ministry focused on “uniting body & soul, dance & religion, movement & faith. ” Check it out and give them a follow and share if their message resonates with you.
There are LOTS of similar ministries that can use your engagement help!
Beyond Social Media
Need to do more than share a tweet or comment a post this Lent?
We’ve got you covered with some suggestions.
Catchafire – https://www.catchafire.org/
Catchafire is on a mission “to mobilize the world’s talent for good.”
Their easy-to-navigate website seeks to match willing volunteers with nonprofits or causes that need a particular project focused skill.
This can be anything from social media strategy help to graphic design to language translation.
There are a host of wide ranging projects available to fit into anyone’s skill set.
DoSomething.org – https://www.dosomething.org/us
Very similar to Catchafire is Dosomething.org.
Their niche is youth-focused projects.
Their website notes they are “the largest not-for-profit exclusively for young people and social change..members represent every USA area code and 131 countries.”
DoSomething offers a wide variety of causes to join and ideas for campaigns to start, ranging from racial justice awareness to voter registration to environmental causes.
There is no shortage of need for social change and this website highlights a wonderfully diverse variety of opportunities.
A really neat feature of this website is that the campaigns can be filtered by the action needed and the time needed to participate.
Your Own Ministry!
Yes, as a church leader, this is an easy way you can encourage your people to take action this Lent. The more they engage with your church/ministry’s online content, the more eyes can see the good work and Good News you are sharing.
Of course, for them to actually interact with your posts, you need to be making them.
We provide tons of ideas on our blog, YouTube channel, and social media platforms for how you can do this well. Notably, last week’s post was about 17 Caption Ideas for Social Media Posts, specifically during Lent 2021.
Monetary-Focused Action
Easter Activities
While in-person Easter Egg hunts with hundreds of kids running across the church yard may not quite be happening again this year, there are still fun ways to engage with Easter Egg Hunts.
Some areas are having “drive through” egg hunts, sort of a scavenger hunt model.
If driving and Easter Egg hunting don’t belong in the same sentence for you, then perhaps donating to a cause that helps bring Easter goodness to kids in foster care is more your speed.
Consider a local or national organization that cares for the needs of children and families.
Consider replacing the chocolate laden Easter Basket this year, with a basket of food or supplies for a family in need.
Texas Storms
The devastating winter storms that froze then flooded many areas of Texas in February have left much needed help in their wake.
From monetary to material donations, of food, clothing, and building supplies, any help you could offer would go a long way in serving those people who have been the most affected.
Most Mainline denominations have local partnerships in the area. Consider giving to their efforts to help local churches who will serve the community directly.
Community Disaster Response – Storms
The Episcopal Church:
Responding to emergencies in the US (Full List) – Episcopal Relief & Development
United Church of Christ:
Lent and Beyond
While we have included just a few examples here, the needs are great in so many areas that this past year has affected negatively.
What ways can your faith community reach beyond its ‘walls,’ (virtual as they may be in these days) to serve the least of these and model Christ in today’s world?
How can you encourage individuals to live differently, to spring into a “new life” with fresh eyes now that 2020 is in our rearview and renewed optimism is ahead?
We encourage you to BE CHURCH ONLINE, with the hope and prayer you put it into action IRL (IN REAL LIFE!).