Okay – you’ve got us.
It’s been more than 1 year since Digi was first dreamt up.
But August 2020 is when we started posting weekly educational content (and we haven’t missed a week yet!).
It was when we first started meeting regularly, offering resources of all types, and focusing on making this a company worth starting.
That means 52 weeks and over 52 videos helping you reach people online with hope, healing, and light.*
*It was over 52 due to Vlogmas 2020, the occasional extra video, and lots and lots of TikToks and IG Reels along the way.
Click here for the video version of this post!
So here’s what we’ll dive into today:
What we’re celebrating in Year 1.
What we’ve learned from Year 1.
What is to come beyond Year 1.
Won’t this be fun to continue in future years, looking back on as we grow over time?
We think so.
Hopefully this Year 1 reflection gives you a bit of behind-the-scenes insight to our work as well.
What we’re celebrating in Year 1:
- Being willing to try:
In year 1 we sold image packs, designed websites, compiled and wrote an ebook, made our own t-shirts, completed vlogmas, started making regular TikTok videos, participated in a conference alongside incredible leaders, and so much more.
Now, it may not have been the wisest thing for us to try all of this in year one, but we are proud of ourselves for being willing to try and fail along the way. We went where we saw a need – even if we had no idea where we’d end up along the way.
2. Weekly connection:
As co-owners we connected via phone calls, Zoom meetings, and emails multiple times per week, every week (except for vacation weeks). This commitment and connection is worth celebrating in itself. Amidst a pandemic? Even more so.
3. Adjustments along the way
We especially celebrate the adjustments we were willing to make along the way. You may not have noticed them all on the outside, but behind-the-scenes we were constantly adjusting to better use our gifts to fill the needs in front of us.
The most notable adjustment was focusing our mission statement even further to clearly identify the Progressive Leaders of Spiritual Communities of which we help to share hope, healing, and light online.
What we’ve learned from Year 1:
- Progressive leaders of spiritual communities don’t have much digital ministry training created just for them.
Sure, there is digital communication information out there… ministry-related information, even. But when it comes to progressive, inclusive, faith-based education, the resources are limited. We’re honored to step into that gap.
2. There are things we do that we’d like to outsource.
And we will outsource them! Not in year 1 (although, perhaps sometime in year 2?!).
Some tasks of our work are less in our wheelhouse and more of a necessity of business. As our ministry grows and grows, we look forward to inviting others into some of this important work.
3. We love building relationships with progressive leaders of spiritual communities just as much as we love being a resource to these leaders.
This discovery is leading us toward more interactive and customized educational material. Writing an ebook, sharing our social media packs, and making t-shirts were good things, but this is going to be a great thing.
What is to come beyond Year 1:
- More customized offerings
We alluded to this a bit in #3 of what we’ve learned in year 1. We plan to work closer and closer with progressive leaders who want to share hope, healing, and light online. This will take a couple different forms over the next few months.
2. Courses
We’ve thought about offering courses since day 1 of Digi. While we knew this would be a helpful piece of our work, we wanted to take the time to understand what topics most needed to be covered.
Now that we have a year under our belt, we feel more confident that we can create something of value for progressive spiritual leaders of all kinds!
3. Digital Communications Reviews
One way we plan to work more directly with spiritual leaders and communities is by offering reviews of their current digital communications.
Without spilling all of the beans, there will be multiple in-depth review options for churches of all communications levels to make use of.
And that’s a wrap on year 1!
Have you been following along for the full 365 or did you meet us along the way?
Here’s to another year as informative and exciting as this one. Be sure to hit that’s Let’s Go button and subscribe to our email list so you don’t miss a single moment to come.
all the best,
Sammy & Michele